Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mark's Halloween Party

The coolest decor at Mark's party?
Definately the blacklight reflective chalk body lines on his concrete living room floor!

Just because he's cute.

*Almost* trying to sleep

Our little Dinosaur and his Biker-chic Mamma

Such a happy little man!

And this is the ONLY picture of the night that includes Dakota (he's Optimus Prime). Once we got to Mark's place, we lost him somewhere in the house. He only surfaced a few times to launch nerf darts at the "spiderwebs" over the fireplace with a few friends he had made.

Mark, the electrical contractor superindendent that George worked with this summer, and his wife throws a MASSIVE Halloween party every year. Apparently everyone (almost everyone) who attends are very elaborate in their costumes. George was probably one of a very small handful that showed up without some amazing regalia. And the whole time he was making fun of me dressing up as a biker chick......hey, I had everything I needed without spending a ton of time and money on a costume that I'd never wear again! I, for one, thought my costume was pretty good for creating it on the fly.
We all had a blast at the party......except perhaps Brayden, who was just simply too tired to enjoy it all! BY FAR, the best Halloween party I've ever been to!

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