Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm soliciting advice......

So we have a dillema....that we need an answer to by Monday morning. Here it is: Right now, Dakota goes to school at Pacific Northern Academy, which is a private school here in Anchorage. It is all the way across town (literally, couldn't be much further away without NOT being in Anchorage). It takes around 20 minutes in the morning (and then again in the afternoon, although the traffic isn't as bad) to drop him off and pick him up. Literally, it doubles our gasoline bill, so we spend about $100 extra a month to drive back and forth to school. Also, probably the most important thing, is that the school is really expensive. I'm talking this year alone, cost about the same as about my bachelors degree (it is just about $2,000 short of the cost of my schooling all 4 years). FOR ONE YEAR. It seems crazy, but last fall, he was ready for kindergarten. Plus, being in kindergarten meant that he wouldn't have to be shuffled yet another year back and forth, to and from, Kodiak. So that's why we did it last year. Plus, PNA really is an AMAZING school. I love everything about it....except the location and the cost. The Anchorage School District wouldn't admit him last year because he was 18 days past the age cutoff. They wouldn't even TEST him to see if he was ready because he was 4 days past THAT cutoff.

So that leaves this year. We just went to his parent teacher conference, and he's doing great. He's the youngest one in his class, and by far the best reader. He's also up there in math. Pretty much everything else he's right on par with the other kids. So he's definately ready for 1st grade. We applied for the school's "scholarship" program, and asked for 1/2 tuition assistance (basically we'd only pay half). We were supposed to hear back from the school about this Friday, but didn't. I'll find out Monday morning. We both said if we got the scholarship, Koda would be there another year.

Here's the kicker: because we didn't know if we'd get the scholarship, we also applied to a few of the public charter/alternative schools. One, arguably the best public school in Anchorage-Polaris-is really close. I'm talking we could walk to it in the summer (about a 10-15 minute walk). I would still end up driving him, but literally, it's at the next major intersection North of us. SO close. We got the letter of acceptance to Polaris today. We have to respond by Monday. The problem? Again, Anchorage School District won't admit him into 1st grade because they not only have age limits for kindergarten, but 1st grade as well because K is not required in the state of AK. Soooo.....he'd be admitted as a kindergartener. Their classes are all set up as dual-grade, meaning that his class would be a K-1 blend. So, he would get the benefit of being able to work on 1st grade work if he was ready (he'll be ready for pretty much all of it).

The dilemma, then, is do we spend the $6,500 (plus the extra $100 in gas each month) to keep him at PNA in order to NOT have to repeat kindergarten (and all the driving), or do we go with the best public school (ie: free) that's close to us, but repeat kindergarten in a blended classroom? This is so frustrating! If only ASD would just let him into 1st grade, it would be a no-brainer!

So, weigh in on this if you want to. We're kinda torn as to what to do!!!


Ellis family said...

I'd go with the cheaper option. He's so young and because it is blended he'll still be able to grow. If it was me that is what would make the most sense. If it was high school it would be a different story, cause that does impact the rest of his life. Kindergarten and first grade, not so much. I'd try that this year and then see what the schools will do. Cause Holly technically graduated a year early as far as standards in Mexico went, but when we went back to school there after being home schooled she tested out of 6th and they put her in 7th. So if by 2nd or third grade he's still ahead, maybe the school district will let him in.
Well that's my rambling for the day.

Sarafina said...

Money is MONEY - take the K-1st grade mixed class. To me no driving and paying a butt-load of money is a no brainer. It is just Kindergarten. He will be fine. He will have fun. And make life a little easier on yourself... you are pregers and having another baby. Relax... take a deep breath... and enroll him in public school. Trust me. Everything will be fine. You'll see.