Friday, January 14, 2011

Announcing Kylee Isabella!

Kylee Isabella Skinner was born November 21st at 3:03am! She was 8 lbs, 3oz...the largest of the three kids!! After 2 weeks of ultrasounds and non-stress tests (because I was measuring small and my amniotic fluid was getting low) at my doctor's office, she finally agreed with me that it was time for Kylee to be evicted! George and I checked into the hospital on the 20th at 8pm, thinking we were probably in for a long night (being induced!), and probably an even longer next day. They started pitocin around 9pm, and by a little after 2am she was ready! doctor was at the other hospital in town checking on another patient (which happened to be a childhood friend of mine! We facebooked/messaged throughout the evening and into the night keeping each other company until Kylee was born!), so we had to try and wait until she could get to OUR hospital! Thankfully, she arrived just in time, and Kylee was born just minutes later! Honestly, she was probably the easiest labor so far (but I had epiurals with all three, so "easy" is relative!), and it was quick enough that she didn't even have a conehead!
About 10 minutes after she was born!

Proud daddy!

Brady still gets a bit jealous when someone else is holding Kylee! Plus, he really likes anything soft and fuzzy, so he frequently tries stealing her blanket!

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