Sunday, September 27, 2009

Labor Day at the Cabin!

Every Memorial Day and Labor Day, the family heads up to the cabin in Sutton. Originally, my great grandparents homesteaded on land right past Sutton. My grandmother and one of my great uncles also ended up building homes there. Since, only my great uncle's wife remains on the property full time. BUT....when my grandmother sold her home about 7 years ago, she kept around 5 of the "back" acres. Our family friend, Dan, and my uncle, John, built a small cabin on that property, overlooking a large "pond", which now houses what we call the beaver "condo". It's much to large just to be just a beaver dam! Spending time up at the cabin has become somewhat of a regular tradition Memorial Day-to kick off the summer-and Labor Day-to say farewell to summer! Now that Dakota and the twins are old enough, they enjoy going 4wheeling. This spring, my parents bought the boys a gas powered 4 wheeler, and although the power is still a bit too much for the twins, Dakota has been practicing on it quite a bit! Brayden was introduced to the cabin this year Labor Day weekend. We didn't camp out (I don't think everyone else wanted to wake up to a crying baby!), but spent the day there. Brayden quickly found his "spot".....too cute. He loves the hanging chair, and slept amazingly well that afternoon!

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