Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Career Day

This week is spirit week at Dakota's school. Yesterday, it was "Crazy Hat" day. He decided to wear his Mickey Mouse ears he got at Disneyworld a year and a half ago. When we got home from school, he didn't want to take them off, so I just let him wear them for the evening. I really could care less. When I told him to go get ready for bed, he marches himself upstairs, brushes his teeth, and then comes back downstairs like this:
Sometimes, I wonder if he may have been switched at birth!

Today, however, was "Career" day, and they got to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grew up. For Dakota, it was either a pro snowboarder (we watched a lot of Olympics and now he's obsessed with Shawn White), or a pilot. We ended up going with the pilot because we actually had a lot of the outfit already, and he wouldn't be sweating indoors! Here's Captain Koda.......decked out in an Alaska Airlines Captain uniform:
Check it out, he even has that Ladie's Man smile....just like most Captains! :) And now he's well aware of the difference between a First Officer and a Captain....he made it clear that he wanted 4 stripes on his epilets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaah he is so handsome!!! My kids loved the snowboarding this year also, they couldn`t get enough of it!!! He does look like a very handsome Pilot though!