Monday, November 30, 2009

Down with the bottle!

Hi. My name is Brayden, and I'm a milkaholic. I've had this "problem" for about 5 months now, and have slowly started alleviating this problem by sometimes resorting to a sippy cup. This allows about half of the beverage to leak down my chin and onto my bib and shirt. I also am trying to cut back by eating "food"-if you can call it that. My mom provides me with this liquidy "mush" she calls carrots. Or bananas. Or Sweet Potatoes. It looks nothing like actual food, but it's a nice respite from the milk.
Here I am, off the "bottle", enjoying a dribble of the good stuff.

Yes, it is THAT good.

THIS is why it's a problem. I suffer from milk-induced comas.

Oh, and PS-in case you didn't realize, I'm cute.


Taffy and Tony said...

What a cutie! Thanks for posting your blog on facebook. I had no idea you had a blog! Now I have to catch up with you and your adorable family. Hope you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

Oh your pictures are awesome! You look so beautiful as always and your boys are ADORABLE!Miss you!