Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The good and the bad.....there's NO ugly here :)

So I'll start off with the good: I awake from a VERY restful sleep this morning to Brayden crying (as usual) for his bottle. Only it's 6:30am, not midnight or 2am or 3am! Yes, sleep from 9pm to 6:30am is *WONDERFUL* to say the least! I felt crappy all yesterday....feeling like I was coming down with the flu or something (like George, my brother-in-law Brian, and sister-in-law Lizzie.....and come to find out my mother as well!). And this FULL night's rest was just what I needed. I don't feel 100%, but much better than yesterday. All I can say is THANK YOU, BRAYDEN!!!

Now onto the BAD: George woke up yesterday morning, about 3am (about the same time Brayden woke up for his bottle), feeling rather ill. I asked him if I got Brayden, would he feed him because I was SO incredibly tired. He mumbled something about not feeling too good, so naturally, I was a bit peeved, and grumbled out of the room to get Brayden. In the middle of fedding Brayden in his room, I hear George get out of bed, run to the bathroom, and start hurling incontrollably! The poor guy. I felt so bad that I just got peeved at him for not feeding Brayden while he's trying to hold vomit back. I felt like a *wonderful wife* right about then! Our night was riddled with these trips to the bathroom, accompanied by a 5am text from my brother-in-law who insisted that he needed to go to the doctor (for the same thing George had!), and that because he hadn't slept all night, it would be safer if I drove him. HA! Yeah, after getting up at midnight JUST to register for school, then back to sleep again. Then up at 3am to feed Brayden, and every 30 minutes or so after that to help (or hear) George, and then we both drift off to sleep about the time the test message comes into my phone. UUUUGGGHHH!!! Needless to say, I was even more peeved. After I assure my brother-in-law that there's nothing a doctor could do. To that, he says he thinks it's not the flu, but food poisoning from McDonalds. Part of me wants to just ignore it and go back to sleep, another part wants me to tell him, "well that's what you get for eating at McDonalds", but the *good* part of me tells me to assure that no matter if it's the flu or food poisoning, a doctor can't do much but tell you to make sure and stay hydrated and rest.....oh, and syphion out about $150 for that advice. I should have taken a cut of that in order to save him the time and money! After telling him this MULTIPLE TIMES, he finally relents and says "ok, have a good sleep!". Yeah, thanks. As if that's going to happen-because we need to get up in less than an hour anyways to get Dakota ready for school and Brayden fed again.

Yes, so I may not have very exciting days, but the nights are sometimes a bit interesting! So to make a crappy story a bit better, we woke up this morning to BOTH of us having a full night of rest and BOTH of us feeling much better.

But George also got up this morning to pack up a few things and head out to Dillingham for an entire week :( Now that it's winter, he's in surveying for the state, which is infinately better pay and more exciting than last winter, but it also means traveling a bit. So although he's not enjoying being away from home for a week (and neither am I!), I am just a bit envious that he gets a week of not having to wake up at night (sometimes twice) to feed the cutest little guy on the planet, or to wake up to change the sheets of who we've deemed pee-pee man (Koda still wets the bed on occasion), or to really do ANYTHING domestic (laundry, dishes, cleaning....if that ever gets done, running errands, etc). Yeah, I'm a bit envious.

On a lighter note, though, there is a concert tomorrow night I wanted to take my dad to for his birthday, which I WON tickets to yesterday!!! I picked up the tickets today, which apparently are VIP tickets.....which generally means something cooler than regular tickets (although I have yet to figure out what's so VIP about them). And although it totally bites that George is gone (because he would definately be going with me if he was here), it allows my dad to go, which is great! We always have a good time at country concerts...mainly because a good chunk of my friends wouldn't be caught dead at a country concert, and I really could care less that I'm showing up with my dad :) In fact, the last time my dad and I went to a concert together (just me and him), I was 7 months pregnant with Dakota, and they CARDED me! Yes, I'm showing up to a concert with my FATHER, who already has greying hair, mind you, and obviously VERY pregnant. I don't think I'll be drinking! Anyways, I'm off on a tangent, so lets just say that I am on cloud nine that I got tickets for free and that I get to take my dad!

With that, I say since George is gone, it's 8:45 at night, and I have both kiddos asleep, I'd better get some shuteye myself!

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