Sunday, June 12, 2011

All dressed up with nowhere to go

George went to work early this morning to get what little work he HAD to do today in, so we'd have the rest of the day together! Brady, Kylee and I woke up around 8am and went to McDonalds for breakfast (well, Brady and I ate there....Kylee got baby cereal...glop as we call home). Brayden played his little heart out before leaving in time to meet George back at home by 10:30.

At 11, we met my parents and Scott at Men's Warehouse. Each flight attendant got a coupon for 75% off the entire purchase up to $1000! I had fun picking out shirts and ties for George (which he promptly rejected....most of my combinations. psh.) and my dad (who trusted me enough not to steer him wrong!). I do have to dad's grey dress shirt with his light pink and grey paisly tie was the best combo. George's blue shirt with an orange striped tie was a close second, though.

We came home, and Scott and Heather dropped their boys off with us so they could eat lunch in peace! George washed the car, the boys had a short-lived water gun fight followed by playing Wipeout on the Wii, and I mainly worked on my math homework. When Scott and Heather got back, they let us know that Michelle, a flight attendant friend who's staying with my parents, also had the 75% off coupon that she wasn't going to we headed back! I think the ladies there thought we were a bit off our rocker. This time George got a suit....and he looked downright sexy in it! :) I jokingly (half-jokingly) told him that now he has to actually wear it. Which means he has to take me out on a nice date. So, I suppose look for a picture on the blog in the future of my hot hubby in his new suit. Unfortunately, it won't be ready (having it tailored) until the 21st, which means no date at least until then.

We ate dinner at my parents house-crab salad-yum! And then played a couple rounds of Nerts. Once Michelle figured out the game, she joined in and with 6 people.....the game was insane! We were all talking about how our ENORMOUS family reunion in 2012 will be even more insane....I think a big Nerts tournament is in store for us there! We'll need at least 10-ish tables of 5 or 6 players each! I just hope that I will be able to actually go! If we end up going to USU (Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, MD), then I'll be at Officer Training during our reunion
:( George and the kids will have to experience the craziness of all the extended family without me. Anyways, time will tell.

My night after we left my parents house: MATH. Only one more week. 4 sections this evening, of stuff I really can't even explain. I can't wait for it to be over so I can half-forget it to make room in my brain for more important things.

Random picture of Memorial Day weekend. One of my favorite memories growing up of my grandparent's house was when Grandpa would take some of my cousins and I out for a drive in the Berkley. Seriously, not much larger than a gocart, but it's street legal and absolutely adorable (not to mention a historic vehicle and collectors car). I loved it! And so does George, Brady, and the twins! I'm sure some cousins can relate :)

G'night All

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