Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I am officially finished with every math class I'll ever have to take in my life! While it didn't exactly go as planned...what university crams 14 weeks of a grueling 4 credit Calculus course in 5 weeks....I did scrape by with a B, which at this point, I am completely content with. In this class, I learned to ignore "imaginary" numbers....which is odd, since they were half of the focus in a lower course. I learned that I really don't know much about math in any amount of depth. In fact, there were a few deep conversations with my inner self wondering how on earth did the people who "discovered" or "created" (whatever it was) some of this math did it?! I mean, I was struggling through it-learning it-and they created it? I'm pretty sure they had to have some type of mental illness or idiot savant-ness in them. The more math I do, the more it boggles my mind. Once I get a concept down and understand it, I'm always left, how much more math could there really be? I mean, I've done everything I can think of.....and then I figure out that there's infinitely more that I'll really never understand. It's mind-blowing. Point being, now I can stop thinking about it and stop letting it consume my life, because I'm DONE!

It's nice to not have to drive Brady or Kylee around anywhere to drop them off to go to class each morning! Today we went to McDonalds and I let Brady play for a good 45 minutes. He was in heaven. Except he wanted french fries, and it was still their "breakfast" time (even if we ate breakfast a couple hours before!). So then he wanted a hashbrown. And then pancakes. So a play trip turned into a full blown breakfast for the little man, which was fine, because anything to get him to eat something is good for me! Then we went to Target and Brady picked out a few Chuggington toys (extra track pieces, a Chatsworth train, and the Chuggington train carrying case. He got a little chunk of money from his birthday, so I figured he could get a few things before saving the rest :) Plus, it gave me good bribery material for the rest of the morning...."get over here or trains go bye-bye". Yes, I'm that mean. We hit up Men's Warehouse to exchange George's shirts I got him for Father's Day...apparently he's a bit bigger than I thought. No, not fatter, just more muscular. It would hardly button up over his chest!!! He looked kinda goofy in them, so we got the next size up. Brady now knows it as "daddy's store" since we've been there so often in the last couple weeks. Next up was WalMart to get the little lady some more baby food. Nothing too exciting. Home and then naps (and me writing this blog!).

I'm contemplating heading to the gym after they wake up so that I can better calibrate my Nike+ sensor for running. It is STILL off a sizeable amount. I'm talking about a tenth of a mile for every two miles ran. Which adds up when you're going anything over 4 or 5 miles! Plus, I could relax in the jacuzzi and/or sauna or steam room kid-free after I run!

George is working late tonight :( He's coming back into town for a basketball game-he just joined a summer league-this evening at 6, and then driving back out to Trunk Rd because the stripers will be there at 8. Yes, stripers, not strippers...get your minds out of the gutter. And I have the twins this evening. Scott HAD to go to Hawaii (actually, I think he's off to Wake Island, but's just a warm island with beautiful beaches around) this afternoon for 10 days, and Heather's school is in the evening. Curran has a t-ball game this evening, so I'll be lugging the twins, Brady, and Kylee all to t-ball by myself...should be a zoo.

In other news, my friend, Theresa came over last night for dinner. Now that my class is over, I feel like I can socialize a bit more. I haven't got together with non-family in FOREVER. In fact, Theresa and I haven't really gotten together since I've known George!!! It was so good getting all caught up with eachother :)

Brady had his 2 year checkup at the doctor's office yesterday, and he's growing like a weed. He's 95% for height, and between 75-95% for weight! Best part? He didn't even need shots at this visit! Kylee, on the other hand, is still teeny-tiny! They did a quick weight check on her (since she went from about the 50% in weight and 90% in height to the 10% in height and 5% in weight in just 3 months!), and she DID gain
10 oz in the last 4-5 weeks. But she's still 10%/5% height/weight. Now that we know she IS actually growing, the doc's not too worried about it...said she may just be a petite little lady! One upside? I may actually be able to keep one of my kids in the infant carseat until/past their 1st birthday! The boys had both grown out of it no later than 9 months (7 months for Koda!). Makes it a whole lot easier!

This week...looking forward to Sparky's grooming appointment (I had to cancel last week!). Finally a non-shaggy, non-stinky doggie in the house! He'll come back looking all handsome and smelling fresh, and he'll love all the love he gets from us for a week or so until he's sufficiently stinky to the point where we really don't want to love up on him too much! I know, mean parents, but hey....who wants to cuddle up with a nasty stinky dog?? And it's George's responsibility to bathe him, so unless he does it, Spark remains stinky until his next grooming!

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