Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The BIG family pictures!

A bit late, but here goes:

My WHOLE family!

Scott, Heather, Tristan, and Curran

All the grandkids....with none crying or throwing a fit!

The boys showing off their ENORMOUS muscles!

Eric, Kelley, Cole, and Sage

We haven't had a picture like this in 10 whole years-before we were all married and with kids!

Of course, one of them has to be a turd for pictures. I think it's a tradition that has been passed down from when I was a kid!

My bros and I
In March, my brother, Eric, my sis-in-law, Kelley, and their two kiddos, Cole and Sage flew up from Ohio to visit for a couple weeks. The ONE AND ONLY thing my mom insisted on was pictures of all the grandkids together. Doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but seriously....I think we agonized over it for far too long. With 7 kids under 7, we knew it would be a challenge! Cole really, REALLY hates to get his picture taken, Brady is kinda hit-and-miss when it comes to being cooperative, Sage just turned one and is pretty attached to momma, and Kylee is just 4 months, so who knows whether she'd even be awake. We took a few "picture worthy" toys (aka-the wooden train set) in the hopes that the kids might just be cute playing with it and not notice that their picture was being taken! In all, I'd say it was a success! We also got big group shots (my parents, my family, Scott's family, and Eric's family all together), as well as individual family shots, grandparents with grandkids, and a few others. When we got the pictures, I called my mom. She was in the car and over here immediately to grab her CD! When I talked to my dad the next day, he informed me that she already got prints done and her "brag book" updated!! Mind you, she picked up the CD around 4:30 pm, and she had to report at the airport by 5am for her flight! She was like a kid on Christmas!

1 comment:

Björek said...

at least we know where you get your obsession with photos!!!! Straight from mom! hahaha
Great to see the whole family together!