Friday, June 24, 2011

Half a heart attack

I swear, yesterday I almost died. I had the panic-stricken, heart-thumping terror that mothers go through sometimes. Here's the explanation:

I got both kiddos up from their naps yesterday, downstairs, and changed diapers. Brady was arguing with me about what he wanted or didn't want to eat. So...I got Kylee's baby cereal ready. Literally, this involves pouring the powder stuff into a small bowl, adding a scoop of formula, and the warm water. It takes less than a minute. I head back out to the living room (where both Kylee and Brady were), and don't see Brayden anywhere. Finding it a bit odd (he usually doesn't go upstairs without me), I called out for him. No response. So I figured he was up to no good in the bathroom, getting into stuff he wasn't supposed to. Nope. I did a quick dash through the house, with no response, so I threw my crocs on and ran outside. No sign of him. I yell a few times, look all around the carport, and then run out to the cul-de-sac. Still nothing. My neighbor's door is open, and I yell inside really quick to see if they've seen him. They hadn't, but came out to help me look for him! At this point, I have 4 people looking for him outside, so I go back inside to do a more thorough search. Right about the time I'm about to call the police (about 5 minutes into the ordeal), she yells in to me that they found him:
Oh, I felt like hugging and strangling him at the same time! He had put his crocs on, opened (and shut) the front door, got into the car (which I *thought* was locked), closed the car door, and proceeded to find a toy train on the backseat floor of the car. Actually, he wasn't even playing ON the seat-he was found hunched down on the FLOOR! And he was totally oblivious.

My first call was to George to act like a crazy mother (which at that point, I was), and to tell him that project #1 was getting some type of lock higher on the door so that Brayden couldn't just wander out on his own. He currently knows how to unlock the deadbolt.

AHHHHHH! Talk about a crapacular mother moment there. I swear, I thought if the police had to show up, that they'd better bring an ambulance, because I'd have had a hemmorage or a stroke. Or maybe a heart attack.

Needless to say, there's a big "hotel style" door lock on the top of the door now!

1 comment:

Tina said...

I totally had one of those moments yesterday too!? We were loading up the car with our swimming stuff and suddenly I couldn't find Sullivan outside anywhere and started running around frantically looking for him...less than a minute later we finally noticed that he had climbed into the car and was just hanging out in the drivers seat...nice and innocent like. Worst feeling EVER though!! Yours sounds like it was much worse than mine though! Those sneaky little car-obsessed boys!